Jacqueline Wairimu Muthura

Country Director (Kenya)

Gender Equality & Institutional Strengthening Expert

Jacqueline holds an MSc. in Sustainable Development from the University of Sussex, UK, and BSc. Water and Environmental Engineering from Egerton University. She also holds certificates in Water Policy Analysis for Multi-Actor Systems (IHE Delft), Multi-Level Water Governance (The Hague Academy for Local Governance) and WASH & Behaviour Change (International Water Center, Griffith University).

Jacqueline has 15 years of regional and international experience strengthening institutions in WASH, Rural Development, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, and Local Governance. Jacqueline is currently the Country Director of Indelible Sustainable Solutions Ltd, a subsidiary of Devcom Global Associates. She is also serves at the Local Public Sector Alliance as the Chair and Coordinator of the Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Working Group and a member of the UCLG Africa CIB Gender Working Group and International Water Association. She is registered as a graduate engineer with the Engineers Board of Kenya.  She has served on the VNG International Advisory Board for the IDEAL Programme implemented in 7 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa & the MENA region, the board of the Women in Water & Sanitation Association Kenya where she chaired the Capacity Building and Research Sub-committee of WIWAS Kenya 2019-2022, She also serves on the board of Johkasou Green Kenya Limited.

Her work and passion revolve around strengthening development institutions and providing technical assistance for inclusive and sustainable development in Africa while consulting for various organisations, including but not limited to VNG International, GFA Consulting Ltd, Waterprof Netherlands, and The Hague Academy for Local Governance.

She has co-hosted and spoken at numerous conferences, nationally, regionally and international on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, WASH & Development and Local Governance, notably at the Amsterdam Water Week 2023, Stockholm Water Week 2023, UCLG – Capacity & Institutional Building’s Annual Conference 2023 and VNGI International Broadcast 2023.

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